Executive Committee


Our mission is to empower children and adults with autism and their families through knowledge and support

Susan Dinkha


Susan is a lawyer with extensive commercial experience gained in both corporate and private practice. She has worked for public companies as legal counsel and in legal and compliance management roles. 

She has provided consultancy services to public companies and not-for-profit organisations. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Law.

Fiona Zammit - B Ed

Vice President

Fiona has Bachelor of Education and has worked as a primary school teacher for 30 years. With this experience, Fiona has a deep passion for her role in learning and support.

Fiona is also a proud founding member of AASS where she has had a longstanding commitment to advancing the organisation’s mission.

Her unwavering dedication to both her students and the broader community makes Fiona a passionate advocate. She credits her autistic son as the reason behind her motivation. Through her work, Fiona continues to inspire and empower others, creating lasting change and fostering opportunities for children with additional needs to grow and succeed.

Dominic Pelle


Registered Tax Agent and Accountant Principle, Dominic Pelle is a fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA) since 1999. Dominic has a Bachelor of Business degree with a major in Accounting completed at the University of Western Sydney and has also completed an Advanced Diploma in Accounting.

Dominic is also a registered agent with the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) and is a member of the National Tax and Accountants Association (NTAA).

Grace Fava OAM

CLO, JP - Founder & Chief executive Officer

Certificate IV Frontline Management, Adjunct Fellow Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Western Sydney, Board Member with Catholic Cemeteries Trust. Grace has worked in many diverse fields including Pharmacy, Office Administration and Accounts receivable for various organisations. Her passion for Autism was ignited when searching for services for her two boys who both regressed with Autism and Global Developmental Delay.

Grace is responsible for the day to day running of AASS and overseeing all aspects of the organisation.

Bassema Ghaznavi


Bassema is a founding board member of AASS. She has a Bachelor of Social Science (Social Welfare), a Diploma in Disability and Case Management and Cert IV in Employment Services (Community services) Traineeship. She has a background in Disability Employment Service (DES), advocacy and support in a voluntary capacity and Support Coordination. Prior experience is in sales and marketing. Bassema has a teenage daughter with autism who has been the driver for her passion and motivation to assist people with disabilities and their families to feel empowered and included.

Laurie Ferguson OAM

Board Member

Laurie Ferguson has lived in the western Sydney suburbs of Guildford and Granville his entire life.  He has a MA (History) and a BEc from Sydney University.  Laurie served as a member of NSW State Parliament from 1984 to 1990 and represented the federal electorates of Reid and Werriwa from 1990 to 2016.  His contact with AASS stems from his time in Werriwa from 2010 to 2016.

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