Our mission is to empower children and adults with autism and their families through knowledge and support

Help AASS To Continue Filling The Gaps
The Autism Advisory and Support Service is a Health Promotion Charity (HPC). It is endorsed as an Income Tax Exempt Charity and has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).
Donations overs $2 are tax deductible.
AASS receives no recurrent government funding, and relies heavily on donations, fundraising and grants to operate the service. AASS fills the gap in service provision that exists, and do so affordably. This is important, as studies have shown that raising a child with a disability costs at least three times more than raising a child without a disability.
The main benefit that AASS provides is that many of our staff can personally identify with the issues faced by parents accessing our service. We have experienced the isolation and grief that a diagnosis brings; the frustration of searching for affordable and appropriate services; the battle to find a suitable educational environment for our children; the guilt connected with focusing on the child with the disability and possibly not enough attention on other children; the burden of wondering what will become of our children when they are older.
So when a family comes to AASS for assistance, our empathy and understanding is real. We have learnt about Autism from life, not a textbook. We understand that Autism should not be approached with a “one size fits all” attitude. This unique approach brings families coming back to volunteer when they are more comfortable with their situation. AASS provides unbiased advice, encouragement, guidance and support.
Help us to continue to fill the gaps by donating to AASS today or paying for one of our Events.