Weighted Lap Bag Rainbow (Stainless Steel 1.5kg)


Sensory tools are designed to support the sensory preferences of individuals, to support regulation and participation in daily activities. This allows children and adults to receive the just right amount of taste, touch, smell, balance and motion, deep pressure and body awareness sensation that they need.

Weighted Lap Bag Rainbow (Stainless Steel 1.5kg)


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These weighted lap bags are used in many home, clinical, school and work environments for those living with (but not limited to): Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Anxiety and Restless Leg Syndrome and some mental health issues. They can have a huge impact on those who benefit from deep pressure, especially helpful in assisting the user to regulate their sensory input when it is sleep time, or when they may be demonstrating behaviour leading to a meltdown.  The weighted lap bag can provide Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS) for the user and the impact it can have is amazing!


Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS) can stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain, in turn helping children and adults to be calm, relaxed, concentrate on a task and moderate their sensory input. Weighted blankets may also be used as part of a ‘Sensory Diet’ as prescribed by an Occupational Therapist at times for the child to self regulate their sensory input if they are over stimulated and need to calm down before attempting a task which requires focus (ie: coming in from outside, running in the playground to sitting at a table and chair listening quietly to the teacher).


They are filled with Stainless Steel pellets. The pellets are separated into sections to ensure balanced weight distribution. The Sensory Matters weighted lap bags are designed by an Occupational Therapist and will enable the lap bag to ‘mould’ around the user to the shape of their body to maximise the deep pressure sensory input.


 What are pros and cons of Poly Pellets and Stainless Steel? 

Although both are machine washable, Poly Pellets are a durable, non-toxic plastic, and are a cheaper yet bulkier material.  Stainless Steel is a heavier by volume, so the product conforms closer to the body shape it is placed upon, however they are a little more expensive. 



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