The Community Cafe Inc, Outreach Service Store has opened and we they are inviting you to help with it’s launch!
Bring your Family, Friends and Neighbours and join in on a fun filled day while learning and connecting with all the community support groups in the area!
Enjoying a BBQ lunch or a feast at one of the fabulous food stalls, support local makers and sellers at the family marketplace or let the kids burn off some energy on the jumping castle!
This is event is supported by a number of local community support groups and they will be proudly displaying along the main walk, pop in and say hello to each and see how they can offer support to strengthen the local community.
Date: Saturday October 22nd 2022
Time: 10am – 5pm
Location: 54 Celebration Road Sadlier NSW 2168
Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the contact for this event – for more information visit the Community Cafe Inc Website Here