All aboard, the museum train.

All aboard, the museum train.

Over the long weekend I set out to find something fun but different to entertain my kids. The indoor play centers where sure to be overcrowded with screaming kids and secretly I wanted to be entertained to. Which is when I came across the NSW Rail Museum.

I have lived in Sydney my whole life and never once had thought to visit. Granted my level of interest in trains (up to this point) had been very little but I knew (or hoped) the kids would enjoy it…. and I wasn’t disappointed.

Located in the historic town of Thirlmere in Sydney’s southwest, this rail museum has been home to a significant heritage collection of over 100 rolling stock items from the railways in NSW… some of which you can step into and let your imagination run wild on what it must have been like to travel the country in the first-class carriage. We even took the 40-minute steam train ride out to Buxton and back where you get a real feel for how people travelled all those years ago and the kids loved every minute of it! – Bonus points for the Museum having a little playground onsite for the kids to burn off their excited energy!

When I read more into what the Museum offers, I discovered the Day Out with Thomas Event and some information they provide on their Sensory Sessions.

Parents and carers of children and visitors with autism or with sensory processing differences can enjoy:

  • Option to wear a badge to help event staff recognise when extra assistance may be required.
  • A quiet space in a less busy and less noisy area of the museum grounds.
  • Additional resources such as a social story and day planner will be sent to registered guests prior to the event to help you prepare and plan for your Day Out With Thomas.
    • Additional support is provided on Friday 1 September:
  • All sounds turned off inside the museum between 9.00am and 10.30am.
  • Ability to request a quiet space inside the train during your train ride with Donald (please contact us with your booking details so we can ensure you’re allocated accordingly).
NSW Rail Museum

So, if you are looking for something different to do one weekend, or if your little ones are fans of Thomas the Tank Engine, I recommend taking a drive out to Thirlmere to explore the NSW Rail Museum and all the amazing things it has to offer.

Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the point of contact for these events. Please visit the NSW Rail Museum Website for all enquiries and booking information.

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