Dare to be Different 2023

Dare to be Different 2023

April is just around the corner and while this year there are many events we celebrate including Easter, Ramadan, World Art Day and International Dance Day, there is one day that holds a special place in our hearts… April 2nd

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. A day we can use to educate and promote the understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders with all who will listen. We do this in the hope that one day, hopefully soon, this understanding will result in real meaningful inclusion for those who need it and that their differences and uniqueness is celebrated, not feared.

Each autistic person has different needs. Talk to them, ask questions and listen to their responses so that you can better understand them. This will give you the knowledge and ability to make simple adjustments to make everyone feel included and respected.

A simple how can I help you, can make such a huge difference to someone’s life.

Dare to be Different!

Autism Advisory & Support Service has developed the Dare to be Different program to help increase understanding of our individual differences, our strengths & gifts and to open discussions and opportunities to make positive changes in students young and old.

Schools are invited to register for this program and are encouraged to celebrate with students by holding a Mufti Day, Crazy Hair Day, Silly Sock Day or even a Dare to be Different Day where participants donate a gold coin to Autism Advisory & Support Service to help raise funds that assist us to continue our invaluable work.

To register simply CONTACT US and request a Dare to be Different pack.

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