NSW Spectacles Program

What is The NSW Spectacles Program?

The NSW Spectacles Program provides free glasses and optical aids to financially disadvantaged residents of New South Wales.
Funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and administered by Vision Australia, this program allocates funds to participating optometrists and optical dispensers, enabling them to offer optical aids at no cost to eligible applicants.
The program aims to support vision health and prevent unnecessary deterioration in eye health.

Who is eligible for this Program?

The Program is available to people who meet the following requirements:

  • Are an Australian resident living permanently in NSW
  • Have less than $500 of total assets (if single) OR Have less than $1,000 in total family assets (if partnered or a single parent) Household and motor vehicle are not included in these asset restrictions
  • Receive a full (non-reduced) Commonwealth pension or income support payment AND receive no additional income (other than Centrelink payments) OR are a low income earner with net income no greater than the full Newstart allowance (if under retirement age) or the full aged pension (if over retirement age)
  • Are ineligible to receive free optical appliances under any other program
  • Have not received spectacles or other optical appliances under the NSW Spectacles Program within the past two years.

What does the Program provide?

If you meet the Programs eligibility requirements, you are entitled, in any two-year period, to receive:
One pair of single vision spectacles; or
One pair of bifocal spectacles.

Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the point of contact for this program.
For more information you can view the NSW Spectacles Program Information Sheet HERE
You can also access a list of participating providers HERE (This list is current as of Aug 2024)

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