Reconnecting Seniors in our community

Who are CNA Multicultural Services Inc.?

CNA Multicultural Services Inc. is a community organisation/registered charity established to provide community services for people in NSW and throughout Australia. It offers community-specific services targeted not only to the needs of the Italian-Australian community in Sydney, particularly those residing in the Liverpool-Fairfield region, but also to the multicultural community at large, to enable active and conscientious participation in all aspects of Australia’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse society.

The CNA aspire to be recognised as a leading organisation for services to the Italian and multicultural community in Sydney’s South West. They are committed to responding to the changing needs of the greater multicultural community in their provision of care, support, and essential services to ensure that every person is able to make a conscious and active social, cultural, and economic contribution to Australia’s vibrant and diverse society.

Looking to connect with members of your local community?

Why not join their weekly social and recreational activities for seniors, which include:

  • Meet & Greets
  • Bingo
  • Gentle Exercises
  • Lunches
  • Bowling
  • Scheduled Outings

When and where do these social groups meet?

When: Every Wednesday from 10.00am to 2.30pm
Where: The Carnes Hill Community Centre – 600 Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill 2171
AND CNA Multicultural Community Garden -1 Coolatai Crescent, Bossley Park NSW 2176

Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the point of contact for these groups.
For more information on their services and projects, or to make a referral/booking please head over to the CNA Multicultural Services Inc. website

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