Research Participation Opportunity
Project Title: Relationships between social behaviour and emotional wellbeing
Project Code HE23-128
Aim of the Research: The research aims to understand more about how both autistic and non-autistic people fit in with other people in social situations and
how this corresponds with mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Who can Participate? I am seeking adolescents aged 16 years or 17 years old, and adults aged 18 years or older, to participate in this study. I am seeking
both mildly autistic people and non-autistic people to participate.
What’s Involved? To participate, you are asked to complete an online survey that should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.
Participation Incentives: All participants are eligible to win 1 of 50 AUD$25.00 Amazon online gift card vouchers. To be eligible, the participant must provide me
with an email address at the end of the online survey. Doing so is completely optional; anyone can participate without providing an email address. To maintain the integrity of the data collected, each participant may only complete the survey once.
Autism Advisory & Support Service are not involved in the research or the point of contact for the study.
To find out more information or to participate in the study click HERE or contact researcher Wayne Arnold by email at warnold3@myune.edu.au