Supporting Anxious Young Children

Supporting Anxious Young Children

When a child is angry, frustrated or disruptive, they may be experiencing anxiety. Anxiety can often present as fear or worry but symptoms can also include trouble sleeping, fatigue, stomach aches and or headaches. Sometimes, symptoms can be missed completely if the anxious child keeps all their worries to themselves. All children, will at times feel anxious. Being armed with the knowledge of how to help support them through their anxiety is essential.

Fairfield City Council Social Planning and Community Development have organised the following FREE information session for Parents that we here at Autism Advisory & Support Service would like to share with you all.

Supporting Anxious Young ChildrenFREE online information session for Parents , Carers and Grandparents with children up to the age of 6 years.

In this session families will learn:

  • How to spot the signs of anxiety
  • How anxiety changes as your children grow, and getting the right support for different age groups
  • How to help your child at home
  • Where to get help if you are worried about your child’s strong fears and worries.

When: Wednesday 24 May 2023 | 7pm-9pm

Register your spot here:

Bookings are essential and places are limited. – Friendly Reminder: This session is for parents not professionals. 

For more information head to the Fairfield City Council Website HERE

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