April is Autism Acceptance Month
Acceptance, tolerance, understanding and support are important for all children to thrive across various environments. The purpose of Dare to be Different is to increase understanding and acceptance of differences.
Generations both young and old can learn to accept and support those with difference to themselves. The hope is that this creates an increased opportunity for successful integration into mainstream schooling and decrease the prevalence of bullying.
Children with disabilities placed in a mainstream setting or in the process of integration are often exposed to social ridicule and bullying due to their differences to their “typically developing peers”. Much of this ridicule and bullying takes place during less structured times such as in the playground where teachers cannot closely monitor each child’s interactions. Therefore priority should be placed on educating children themselves about tolerance and acceptance of others differences.
When struggling with a disability, whether it is Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Depression, a physical disability, or any other, to be accepted by your peers means that focus can be placed on reaching your potential rather than the overwhelming feeling of being different to everyone else.
This is where Autism Advisory & Support Service’s Dare to be Different program comes into play.
The Dare to be Different program was developed by: Kellie Knapton (Psychologist) & Adapted by: Stephanie Watts (Psychologist)
Schools are able to register to participate in our Dare to be Different program and celebrate with a Mufti Day, Crazy Hair day or even a Dare to be Different Day to help raise funds that assist us to continue our invaluable work.
To register simply CONTACT US and request a Dare to be Different pack.