Liverpool City Council is seeking expressions of interest for appointment to the Liverpool Access Committee for a 2-year term.
The Committee aims to:
- Increase accessibility for people with any form of disability- physical, intellectual and psychological and their carers
- Provide advice to Council on matters relating to accessibility
- Lobby and advocate on access issues.
The Liverpool Access Committee is made up of the following membership:
Category 1 – People with disability living, working and/or studying in the Liverpool LGA
Category 2 – Family members and/or carers of people with disability
Category 3 – Agencies providing services to people with disability or people living in the area who have a specific area of interest or skill that could contribute to the work of the Access Committee.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month between 1pm to 3pm. For improved participation, meetings are now held in hybrid format – face to face (at the Liverpool City Library, 170 George Street, Liverpool) and Microsoft Teams.
All submissions must be received no later than Friday 9 June 2023. Submissions received after this time will not be considered.
Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the point of contact for this committee. For any questions or enquiries, please contact Paola on 8711 7408 or jamett-carup@liverpool.nsw.gov.au
Download the Expression of Interest Form