Would you like to be paid for your input?
Researchers Dr Nathan Caruana, Ms Courtney Munro, Ms Glicyr Perez, Mr Simon Brett, Dr Hannah, Rapaport, Dr Patrick Nalepka, Prof Michael Richardson and Prof. Liz Pellicano from Macquarie University are calling on participants aged 10 – 30 both with and without Autism to take part in their research project.
What’s involved?
The study will take 2-4 hours in total but can be divided into smaller times across two days if you prefer. We are happy to arrange a flexible time that works for you. The session will involve completing an interactive game in virtual reality, completing some cognitive (thinking) tasks and answering some questions about
your experience. We will record your verbal, hand movement, and eye movement behaviours using non-invasive methods.
What does the virtual reality task involve?
Participants will be asked to wear a virtual reality headset while completing two virtual games with a member of our research team.
Participants will also be required to wear a motion sensor on their right index finger.
The study is being conducted at Macquarie University in building C3A – located at 4 First Walk (the entrance of the building intersects with Second Way).
We will provide detailed information on how to find us and free visitor parking is available. If you prefer, it may also be possible to complete some of the tasks at your home.
Participants will be reimbursed $20/hour for their time (min. $40, max. $80). This research will improve our understanding of social interaction in autism. Ultimately, we hope this will reduce autism stigma and inform more inclusive practices and assistive technologies for safer social interactions with and for autistic individuals.
Making an Appointment
If you are interested and want to learn more, please CLICK HERE