Multicultural Youth Linker Program

Multicultural Youth Linker Program

Service NSW is designed to assist the NSW population however it’s not without its challenges and at time can be frustrating to navigate and find the help and assistance needed.

Complex processes that often involve multiple steps, forms, and requirements, the language used may be technical or difficult to understand, and this can lead to delays in accessing the required services.

However, when you know what services are available and where to find them it can be a great help!

Recently Service NSW contacted Autism Advisory & Support Service to make sure that we and our followers were aware of the following services within Service NSW

The Savings Finder Program.

This program aims to provide individuals and families with valuable insights into support services, government rebates, and various savings opportunities. It offers referrals to external non-government support services & during your 45-minute appointment, you can learn about diverse ways to save money, including energy and utilities, transport and travel expenses, recreational activities, medical expenses, and even will and power of attorney preparation services. On average, customers save approximately $700 after participating in a Savings Finder Appointment.

To learn more about the Savings Finder Program, please CLICK HERE

The Multicultural Youth Linker Program

This program focuses on supporting young people from refugee, migrant, and similar backgrounds in navigating and accessing government and non-government services. This program is entirely free and aims to assist young individuals in reaching their goals. Their dedicated Multicultural Youth Linker, provides information, advice, and support on various topics, including:

  • Obtaining a driver’s license
  • Finding suitable courses and educational opportunities
  • Maintaining good health and well-being
  • Cultivating hobbies and making friends
  • Supporting their families
  • Accessing support for fines
  • Connecting with local services and non-government organisations
  • Exploring opportunities available in Australia

Appointments with our dedicated Multicultural Youth Linker can be booked online, by phone, or by visiting a Service NSW Centre. Face-to-face appointments are available at the following service centres: Liverpool – Wetherill Park Service NSW

For more information on the Multicultural Youth Linker program or to make an appointment CLICK HERE

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