We here at Autism Advisory & Support Service know that parenting is an incredible journey filled with love, joy, and sometimes challenges. No matter how experienced or prepared we are, every parent will encounter situations where they could use some guidance and support. In this digital age, accessing parent resources has become easier than ever before. These resources offer a wealth of knowledge, advice, and tools to help parents navigate the various stages of their child’s development.
The Multicultural Network or TMNLinks is a source of information on services, events and activities in Canterbury-Bankstown and surrounding areas. They also have a great range of parent resources that have been translated into a range of languages.
These resources include topics such as;
- School Refusal
- Early Intervention
- Speech & Language
- Fussy Eaters
- Sensory Sensitivities
You can access the full range of resources HERE and If you are local to the Canterbury Bankstown area (or surrounding suburbs) and would like to know more about the Multicultural Network you can check out their website HERE