In June 2022 Autism Advisory & Support Service were exited to share the news that Service NSW had started to trial “Quiet Hours’ in several of their service Centres. For many of our clients thought of the bright lights, loud music and excessive sounds it’s too much to bear and so having a dedicated quiet hour was well received. Almost 12 months later we are thrilled to announce that these quiet hours have proven to be extremely beneficial and will be remaining in place and be implemented in several new Service NSW locations across our state.
During the Quiet Hour, participating service Centres will aim to have:
- reduced lighting where possible
- music turned down
- mobile phones on silent mode.
The Service NSW Centre in Wetherill Park will have their Quiet Hour commence on Monday 29th May while the Edmonson Park Location holds their Quiet Hours each Tuesday between 9:30am – 10:30am
For more information on how Service NSW are supporting customers with a disability please CLICK HERE
Update: – The Quiet Hour at Wetherill Park Service NSW has been confirmed for every Thursday between 3pm and 4pm as of Thursday 1st June 2023.