There is currently an opportunity to participate in research exploring the types of interventions used with children who are restricted eaters.
Rene Fraser, Dr Kim Bulkeley and Dr Rebecca Barton are seeking participants who are parents of, or clinicians who work with, children with disabilities who are restricted eaters and who meet the following criteria:
- Have a disability and are aged up to 18 years of age.
- Are not exclusively breast or bottle fed.
- Eat fewer than 30 foods; or exclude whole food groups or are unable to participate in family
- mealtimes.
They are wanting to interview parents and clinicians to learn more about the types of interventions they have been involved with for this group of children. They want to develop an understanding of what is occurring in clinical practice and compare this with what is reported in the literature. The long-term aim of this research is to develop resources to support clinicians and families working with these children.
If you are interested in participating in this research please CLICK HERE for the parent participation sheet.
Autism Advisory & Support Service is not a contact for this research.