Being the brother or sister of a child with special needs requires immense courage and strength. With such an important role to play, it’s essential that these remarkable siblings have their emotional needs met by being given recognition, support and understanding throughout this journey. Allowing them time away from any caregiving duties, to just be themselves, is one way in which they can find balance during difficult times. Which is why we have introduced the Block Buddies program to Autism Advisory & Support Service.
What is Block Buddies?
Block Buddies is a program for children aged 6 – 12 years who have a sibling with a disability. It is a safe place for attendees to get creative while meeting other children who share a similar lived experience. The Program commenced in early February 2023 and while Blocks/Lego were set to be the main activity, that quickly changed to meet the needs and interests of those in attendance.
Week one saw the group start by creative some cool Lego displays however we soon packed up the Lego and move to an impromptu game of Velcro darts… followed by a shared drawing activity resulting in a rather interesting bunny and a lonely tree in a field. Week Two happen to fall on Valentines Day and so we gathered our craft supplies and made bracelets for our Mums along with some animal masks and funny face cards. Lisa, who facilitates the group said “Block Buddies has become the highlight of my week! I sometimes feel like I’m more excited than the kids are and find myself talking about the group to anyone who will listen. It’s been so nice to see such kind happy faces each week”

The Program Details
Day: Tuesdays during Term 1 2023
Time: 4pm – 5pm
Cost: FREE
Location: AASS House – 88 Memorial Ave Liverpool
Places are limited and RSVP is essential – CLICK HERE to view the Block Buddies Flyer and for Contact information.
Refer a Friend!
If you know of a child who might be interested in joining the Block Buddies Program, please feel free to share these details with them.