The exciting online program for young people aged 7-16 years

The exciting online program for young people aged 7-16 years

SpeakUP: Is the online program that’s building skills and confidence for participation at school for children aged 7 – 16 years of age with a disability in a mainstream school across NSW. It is a unique, short-term online program that focuses on supporting the young person to achieve a goal they have set for themselves. 

How is it delivered?

  • Each participant attends 6 online video sessions facilitated by an allied health staff member, held out of school time across the school term.  
  • During the sessions, the facilitator supports the young person to identify and express a small, achievable goal related to participation at school, and then works through challenges they might come up against. 
  • Involvement of parents or carers is key to the success of the program, as they are the main support in the young person’s participation journey. 
  • There are 2 learning online modules for parents to watch about the goal setting process and help to build resilience in their young person and 2 online Zoom sessions to attend with other parents participating at the same time in the program.

What is the cost?

SpeakUP is fully funded by Department of Social Services (DSS) through an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant until the end of Term 2 2024. It is delivered at no cost to the participant.  

Autism Advisory & Support Service are not the point of contact for this program.

If you are interested in registering for the SpeakUP program, please CLICK HERE for more information

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